The Forerunner Calling: Part 1 – The Current Crisis

“I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord’…” John 1:22

In the United States of America we now live in a society that has chosen to allow legislators to use their tax dollars to expand the shedding of innocent blood through the atrocity of abortion.  This past week Dr. Kermit Gosnell was put on trial for allegedly killing babies that were born alive during botched late term abortions.  The gruesome details of this case should have caused an alarm to be sounded and yet the silence of the press was overwhelming. We have legally sanctioned same sex marriage in several states and there is an overwhelming sentiment of approval towards gay and lesbian lifestyles nationwide.  In two states it is now legal to smoke marijuana recreationally. What was once considered pornography in the 1950‘s and 1960‘s is now common fare at the movie theater, on MTV and prime time television not to mention the photos gracing the covers of popular fashion magazines.  The popularity of witchcraft, vampires, psychics and the occult is exploding.  The moral decay around us requires that the Church rise up and offer a clear prophetic witness to our nation on behalf of a righteous God. 

Unfortunately the Church has abdicated her authority in many areas by embracing the very same immorality within her four walls or simply by settling into apathy concerning the state of our society.  We are more bent on personal comfort than the cause of Christ.  We have bought into the American Dream and desire success in the world over treasure in heaven.  We need an awakening! One in five women having abortions are professing evangelical Christians.  More than forty-five percent of Christians admit that pornography is a major problem in their home.  Divorce is all too common among church goers.  Some well known leaders in the Body of Christ are now accepting of same sex marriage.  Rather than rising up in righteous indignation we are weighed down by our own sin.  We need a revival of the fear of the Lord! Out of a desire to be relevant to a corrupt culture, we have remained silent on issues of sin and unrighteousness.  Out of a need to be accepted by the world around us, we have not taken a stand for fear of rejection.  We have desired the praise of man over the approval of God.  When the earth is groaning for the manifestation of the sons of God and society is desperate to see an alternative to powerless debased living, we have sought to be seeker sensitive rather than bold witnesses to the power of God that can deliver us from darkness.  We have been sugar and spice rather than salt and light! We need a reformation!

It is “for such a time as this” that the Church must arise and be the reflection of the glory of God and the image of His Son to the world around us.  We must be the answer to the current crisis!  Daniel’s must arise who will live righteous lives without compromise in the midst of a wicked culture.  Elijah’s must arise to tear down the altar’s of convenience we have murdered a generation of babies upon and boldly expose and confront the sin of our nation.  Jeremiah’s must arise who will intercede with tears for God’s people and warn the Church of the results of Her compromise.  We need an army of John the Baptists to arise who will call people to repentance without apology!

Where is the company of people who will seek to be an answer to this great need both in their personal and corporate lifestyle as well as by calling the Church back to biblical morality and into a life of consecration and holiness unto the Lord? Where are the ones whose desire is to be lovers of truth, students of the Word and pure prophetic vessels through whom the Lord may speak as ones who are “rightly handling the word of truth” (2Tim. 2:15)? The call is to you and to me. Forerunners, it is time to arise!