
The School of Revival – Branson Schedule

After reviewing The School of Revival schedule, check out the classes HERE, and then submit your application below.

Dates for the next session have not been set. Stay tuned for an updated schedule for 2024 soon!



The School of Revival Branson Weekly Schedule (when in session)

  • TRAINING Wednesday 6-10pm & Thursday 6pm-10pm
    Experience burning intercession and prophetic ministry, life rocking teaching and personal ministry and prayer.
  • LOCAL CHURCH Sunday 8am-12pm & Tuesday 5pm-10pm
    Participate in an exciting local church team that helps set the atmosphere of fire at Revival Church each week.
    We will travel to various conferences and events at other churches in the region to burn and minister. This is a key expression of The School of Revival and it is sure to change your life.
    We will also be involved in special revival and prayer events in the city. Students will be expected to serve at these events.

For information on The School of Revival Online, click HERE.



The School of Revival Branson Application

Please fill this application out completely. We will be in touch soon!

  • The School of Revival Branson is open to Christians who are able to devote themselves to three months of consecrated living. Please submit this application, the required recommendations, and the $50 application fee at least 21 days prior to the start of school. The application fee is non-refundable.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    The School of Revival is open to anybody in high school and above. (Note, The School of Revival is a college level intensive, so keep that in mind when applying.)
  • Include the following points: 1. A summary of your personal journey in Christ. 2. Describe any past or present life-controlling issues, whether mental, emotional, or relational. 3. Your goals for the future, including your life vision and ministry plans. 4. Expectations for your time at The School of Revival and a summary of what you hope to learn at the school.
    Please note, 100% attendance is expected and we do not take breaks for holidays or other special events. Additionally, time off for vacations, weddings, birthdays and other occasions is not allowed.
    I agree to commit myself to a pure lifestyle and to attend all classes, unless ill, from start to finish. I understand that 100% attendance is an expectation and will ensure no classes or events are missed. I will strive to demonstrate love and respect for staff, visitors and all others connected to the school and to refrain from developing any romantic relationship for the duration of the school. I understand that it is my responsibility to pay the tuition in full by the first day of classes. theLab reserves the right to deny admittance or to require the withdrawal of any student who is considered to be out of harmony with the spirit of this institution.
  • The School of Revival Guidelines

    • Teachability: We ask that every student have a teachable spirit, a willingness to learn, and that they are sincere in their pursuit of holiness.
    • Availability: The schedule is demanding, and the regular weekly meetings PLUS all special events (conferences, etc.) are MANDATORY . There will be very little flexibility in regard to missed sessions. We DO NOT take breaks for regular holidays and ask that you schedule vacations, parties, employment, other ministry endeavors and other events around the school. If you have questions about personal schedule conflicts, please contact us. 
    • School dating policy: Dating is not permitted while attending The School of Revival. The purpose of our school is the focused pursuit of the Lord. We are confident that when you separate yourself for this short season, you will find that the reward far outweighs the sacrifice. If you are already in an unmarried relationship we ask that you transition for this season from focusing on that relationship to going deeper in your relationship with God.
    • Vacation: No personal breaks are permitted during the school session. Personal breaks include, but are not limited to, ministry trips, weekend trips, family reunions, graduations, weddings, and the like. Please plan ahead and keep the school session as an uninterrupted season of consecration and impartation.
    • Personal appearance: Each student is expected to uphold a clean, modest, and non-distracting appearance in how they dress for all meetings, classes, services, and gatherings throughout the The School of Revival and Revival X community. We desire to bring glory Jesus with our bodies and clothing.
    • Health insurance: Applicants should provide their own health insurance coverage. Neither The School of Revival nor the school program will be responsible for covering hospitalization, visits to the doctor, or medications.
    • Vehicle: Each student is responsible for their own transportation and timeliness (i.e., punctuality to meetings and classes) whether they have a vehicle or not. We recommend that each student have access to a reliable vehicle throughout the school session.
    • Personal expenditures: Each student is required to have sufficient funds to cover all personal and living expenses incurred throughout the school. Due to the extensive time commitments during the program, students should do their best to avoid outside employment.

    We recognize that external rules of behavior are not the highest ideal for any Christian community and desire that our motivation for holiness would be love for Jesus and His people, not rules. In this spirit we affirm the following:

    The School of Revival community expects all its members (all staff & students), to make a personal commitment to live counter to the prevailing moral laxity of our society by not participating in, advocating, supporting, or condoning sexual activity (heterosexual or homosexual) outside of marriage between a man and a woman as set forth in the Scripture. Further, we will demonstrate our commitment to Christ and to each other by refraining from the use of tobacco, and the public or social use of alcoholic beverages.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Max. file size: 1 GB.
  • Clear Signature
  • After you submit this form you will be forwarded to the payment page. Upon approval of your application, you will be contacted with info to complete your tuition payment.